Monday, October 24, 2011

Review of Russell Wardrop's short course on public speaking

Presentation Preparation Steps:
  1. Analyze:  What basic things need to be in place before I can present effectively?
    1. venue:  what level of formality, how many people, how diverse a crowd? 
    2. audience:  who are they?  how old are they? what are they interested in hearing about?
    3. technology:  what do I need to set up?
  2. Brainstorm:
    1. creative thinking, unbounded
  3. Construct (Back to Brainstorm in an iterative loop)
    1. layout presentation on paper first
    2. later turn to computer
  4. Deliver
    1. execute the presentation plan
  5. Evaluate
    1. what could have gone better
    2. continuous improvement
The above work flow closely resembles Demming's Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle.

Presentations should be delivered with:

  1. Energy
  2. Spontenaity 
  3. Creativity
 Presentations should involve a voice which is:

  1. Louder
  2. Lower
  3. Slower
..than you may initially be comfortable with.

Voice and physical presence are important.

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